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Mayas & Company
Queens, New York, United States
She writes ✍ and speaks the truth... Award-winning author for Faces of Uterine Fibroids, plus more. Follow this blog to stay connected. Please like, share, comment and subscribe. Stay tune for weekly updates.
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I am sure some of you have heard of the company known for the famous organic feminine napkins... Well, this company has emerged throughout the United States in just a few weeks with an overflow of subscribers joining the movement. The movement is all about women and their health. As a woman whom has suffering with a female reproductive system problem. I endorse this campaign. See for yourelf what it is all about. Click video below. Meet you inside. To join the Nspire Family:  CLICK THIS LINK Press on the JOIN NOW button above to your upper right corner, next to recognition. Thanks for standing for the future of women, and young girls. It means a lot to us.

How to reduce menstrual cramps with Cherish Premium Sanitary Napkins

More than 350k new cases of cancer related issues will be diagnosed dealing with women's reproductive system this year alone, and about 75k women will die. We have information that tells us many of the chronic ailments are linked to wearing unsanitary napkins, maxi pads and tampons. Bottom line..... what we've been conditioned to wear every month is completely unsafe. Unsafe for you, unsafe for me and unsafe for our daughters! Nspire Network has designed a 100% all natural alternative premium sanitary napkin, infused with Negative IONS, a technology that reduces or eliminates cramping, balances Ph Levels, reduces feminine flow/time and more importantly, doesn't expose you to all the toxins that are linked to feminine issues we deal with as a result.  Your daughters do NOT have to have uterine fibroids, endometriosis, vaginal infections, cervical cyst, hysterectomies or even worse, develop terminal illnesses associated with our reproductive systems.


Did you know that millions of women are suffering from many feminine health issues? Fibroids, breast cancer, miscarriages recurring UTIs, endometriosis, hysterectomies, etc. If you had information that could save your life or the life of someone you cared about, would you share it? What if I were to tell you that many of these serious and deadly issues could be coming from the feminine sanitary products that we use on a monthly basis? GOOD NEWS!!! There is a national women's Health Awareness movement that is introducing women to vital information that will provide us with a healthier and safer alternative!!!! Women and girls can now say NO to suffering in silence. We cannot say NO to dangerous chemicals that we've been exposed to for years. It's time to say NO!!!! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION:  NOW WE KNOW! CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WOMEN'S HEALTH AWARENESS CAMPAIGN:   SAVE A LIFE!


BLOGGER INTERVIEW WITH NAKEISHA GEDDES 1. Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?       Hello my name is Nakeisha Geddes and I work in the Developmental Field. Over the years, I have been serving people without knowing it, and I now realized that serving people is my main purpose in life. I was a young lady who was alone in a world that could have swallowed her, but through God’s grace and Mercy I have overcome. Last year, I found myself in a state of depression, and with professional help, I was able to recognized that my past was the main reason for my depression, and I had to find a way to  move forward. I started writing my story as a way of healing, and today I am proud to announce that I am an Author with and upcoming book title ‘My Cross Road”. My Women’s lifestyle blog will focus on almost anything, and everything to do with both motherhood and family. I will also touch on topics such as women’s empowerment, entrepreneurship, personal and

Finally A Stable, Online System That Works

Hey hey hey, Martine M. Mayas  here and let's face it. We’ve all been there.. Chasing the latest fad to "Quick easy" money online.. How many time has it worked out for you ? If you’re anything like me you’ll have noticed that around 90% of the ‘next big thing’ schemes are gone within 6 months and NO ONE made any money from them. WorldVentures however is different...... Top 5 reasons I joined WorldVentures: 1. Entrepreneurial freedom:  I know you’ve heard it before, but it’s true. You can quite literally fire your boss and run your own business with low overhead costs. However, you may want to gradually build up to this point by starting out on a part-time basis. 2. Dynamic earnings potential: Unlike in the corporate world where your rise in rank may hinge on anything from your talent and tenure to your temperament, WorldVentures allow you to determine your own worth. No salary caps here. Decide what you want to earn then go for it.

Discover The Simple Secret To Creating More Time Freedom, Money Freedom And Total Freedom In Your Life!

Hey Martine M. Mayas  here , Most day’s I feel happy... I literally know how it “feel” to be free and have hardly any money worries. But it wasn’t always like this. That’s for sure. Rewind 5 years ago and I was one of those guy’s that was considered a lost internet marketing newbie!. lol I was chasing the dream. buying product after product and not getting any results with it… Tons of procrastination. I had little self belief that I could have an awesome life… I wanted it, BUT I didn’t believe it 100% It seemed like everyone else was on a different level too me. I felt alone. ...they were, having amazing success and freedom, travelling, making passive income, and ultimately living a happy and fulfilled life. but I felt like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone 1 and 2. Like I was always being left behind again and again. “Why is it working for