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Mayas & Company
Queens, New York, United States
She writes ✍ and speaks the truth... Award-winning author for Faces of Uterine Fibroids, plus more. Follow this blog to stay connected. Please like, share, comment and subscribe. Stay tune for weekly updates.

HAPPY WOMEN'S MONTH 2017: Honoring Kim Boudreau Smith

Being an entrepreneur for the last 28 years, and passionate about helping women achieve a whole healthy lifestyle (mind, the body, and spirit) with a successful business I am inviting you to join me on a raw and real journey.

Working with thousands of women, helping them to transform their relationship with themselves and create loving relationships with others, so they live their desired wholesome and healthy life all by choice.

Let’s chat more about you about how you can be supported in creating a beautiful, joyful and wholesome life on your terms and no one else’s!

Kim Boudreau Smith is bold and direct, mixed with plenty of passion and fun. Kim shows up strong in life no matter what is happening and how she feels. She loves attracting like-minded people who work hard, achieve dreams and enjoy life too. To accomplish this, Kim aligns her body, mind and spirit working hard to maintain balance and wellness. Helping those she works with achieve that same level of wholeness, so they too can achieve their dreams is a priority for Kim.

Kim had a very successful corporate career. Something was missing, so she launched a fitness business with sought after classes, private clients and exercise videos. She not only runs that fitness business She is also the CEO of Kim B. Smith Inc. Kim is known for being a 2-time international best-selling author/compiler as well as the founder and former CEO of Bold Radio Station , an internet radio station that offers a VIP service for business owners to market their voice as the experts that they are.

A native of Royal Oak, Michigan, Kim currently resides in Birmingham, Michigan. She is certified in coaching through the International Coaching Academy. She continues her personal and spiritual development through the practices of yoga, meditation and in the past, Changing Woman.
Kim happiest joy is being a Mom to her black labs, Grace the therapy dog and Luna the puppy!


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