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Mayas & Company
Queens, New York, United States
She writes ✍ and speaks the truth... Award-winning author for Faces of Uterine Fibroids, plus more. Follow this blog to stay connected. Please like, share, comment and subscribe. Stay tune for weekly updates.


Darlene A. Anderson is the President and founder of Darlene’s Utopia, a company designed to empower, motivate and provide resources for clients through coaching, speaking engagements, and events. Anderson is a motivational speaker, personal and professional development consultant , philanthropist and author of the autobiographical empowerment book titled, “Not Without A Fight: 10 Ways To Win When It Appears You’ve Already Lost”.
Under the umbrella of Darlene’s Utopia, Anderson has been able to marry her purpose with her passion for helping individuals elevate to their highest personal and professional potential by using her unique blend of personal and professional experiences as a seasoned social service professional within New York City.

Darlene A. Anderson, is also the President  & CEO of Utopia Network Inc. a New York community based nonprofit organization that offers a wide range of services to the community; inclusive of economic enhancement, education, vocational, & employment opportunities, youth development, family support services, health & wellness resources and housing linkage.  Utopia Network’s programs provide extensive resources to promote positive outcomes and mobility for challenged populations including low to mid-level income individuals and families residing in New York City.

In May of 2015, Anderson was the recipient of Senator Kevin Parker’s (NY) “Educational Leadership Award”.  She was also honored by The Brooklyn Blizzard’s Youth Organization in April of 2011, for invaluable community service, and awarded a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for outstanding community service by Congresswoman Yvette Clarke.

Anderson’s strongest asset and greatest desire is linking people together to empower them with various opportunities to start their own businesses, obtain financial freedom, and pursue the desires of their hearts. Through social excursions and networking expos, Anderson provides practical tools to assist people in coping with life’s stressors and succeed despite adversities. She continues to serve as an advocate for the under-served populations of New York City. Whether Anderson is providing professional expertise or service as a philanthropist, she believes that George Fraser’s famous quote defines how adversities should be conquered both personally and professionally “It is the “fire in the belly” that makes the impossible possible”.  Start from within!

As a Motivational Speaker & Mistress of Ceremonies, Darlene A. Anderson ignites the room with an energetic spirit and candid demeanor, which captivates many-the very moment she steps to the podium.

In this same manner, Anderson provides individual consultation, workshops, and facilitates conferences specific to personal and professional development, with a concentration on short and long term goal planning, leadership and group dynamics.

Anderson has worked with various community, city, state and federal agencies within New York and beyond; however, with twenty years of professional experience in social services she has an extraordinary skill-set in motivating and producing positive outcomes of the following populations:
Middle/High School, College and Vocational Students
At Risk Youth (Community, Residential and Incarcerated)
Incarcerated / Formerly Incarcerated Men & Women
Disadvantaged Populations (Housing, Education, Entitlements, Employment)


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